Change and Disruption
A lot can happen 8 weeks before Inauguration Day 2025, especially with this incoming administration, given the unique dynamics on display so far. That said, it's clear that business as usual and the status quo will find hard sledding ahead as the expression goes. Change and disruption are in the air (dah, such a trite understatement, but what else to say?). At a minimum, we can expect a hands-off, business-friendly approach to government policy, regulation, and initiatives to cut federal spending significantly. More to the point, look for anything that doesn't align with private sector profit, growth, and wealth creation (read this: most things "social") to be on the outs.
Self-interest seems to be another trend that is shamelessly in vogue. What a perfect time to reintroduce my perspective on reentry, a mix of free-enterprise tactics and strategies and social service principles. It's not without a measure of self-interest but just enough to keep things accurate and moving forward, or so I like to think of it. I'll leave this determination to others.
Okay, so let's get straight to the point about what might be coming for reentry programs regardless of type: new/novel scrutiny, possible funding cuts, and an emphasis on business-like metrics; think KPIs and OKRs (key performance indicators and objectives and key results). Will these changes and disruptions come all at once? Certainly not. It takes time for aircraft carriers or institutions to adjust course. But the status quo in the social service world (where, in the binary comparison of for-profit vs. not, reentry lands) must change, given the realities of the federal budget deficient, via this next administration or (hopefully) others to come.
Given the expected change in wind direction, here are three consideration questions for reentry planners, near and longer-term:
Is the goal for those reentering to become independent, self-sufficient citizens in good standing?
Does the program move individuals from the expense to the asset side of the ledger?
With the governmental (and perhaps societal) changes coming, is the program structure (all-in) sustainable?
Let's put these three points in a proper context, as it's essential to start seeing things from the other side of the campus. So, picture the assessment (judgment, if you will) of your program done by someone with no social service education, training, or background. Someone with no interest or "feel" for the social sciences. A cardboard cutout-type capitalist who lives and breathes P&Ls, ROIs, and profit growth opportunities—only.
As repugnant for some of you as it will be, see things from this person's perspective without regard for current funding mandates, staffing, social good, or intention, see results just in terms of dollars spent—period. To do this right, be this person AND the person reporting to this person. Turn your entire perspective 180 degrees. Remove everything you "know" to be accurate and true about people and how things work in your world. Ask yourself things like:
Why is money spent on efforts that don't have positive and continuing results (recidivism)?
Why should we support individuals who take resources (expenses) vs. creating or producing resourcing (assets)?
Why should existing non-performing programs with unsustainable metrics (think KPI/OKR/ROI/etc.) be continued?
To integrate this perspective, if not the persona, force yourself to accept humans' value in stark capitalistic terms; people must create, produce, or consume to have value. If they don't, why should resources be directed to them? Furthermore, people can have negative values from this point of view. The most straightforward example of this is incarceration, where the average annual "cost" for all types of institutions is estimated to be around $30k—cost, an expense on the asset/liability society ledger.
Not fun. Hard to do.
"Hey John, you don't get it."
Here's what I do get.
The quickest way to the finish line for reentry program success is through employment, now and based on what I imagine to be coming. Getting, keeping, and moving ahead by working is the one size that fits all when it comes to becoming an independent, self-sufficient citizen in good standing in the US. What's more, it is something both the conservative (up by your bootstraps) and liberal (everyone deserves a shot) can agree on. And know this: The further a program's focus strays from employment-based "real" results, the greater the chances for disagreement, resulting in less support and more justification.
The tsunami might just be coming.
Start adjusting NOW!
If your reentry approach does not produce results that everyone can agree on and buy into, it's time for you to perform a brutal 180-degree assessment before the person outlined above shows up at your door.
Building Your Modern Tribe
Let's talk about your tribe – yes, your support network. In our hyper-connected yet oddly disconnected world, understanding and building your tribe has never been more crucial. Over the years, I've seen firsthand how the right support network can make or break someone's journey to success, particularly those facing reentry challenges.
Think of your support network as an ecosystem of relationships that provide various types of assistance. The benefits? They're massive—from better physical health and longer life to improved mental wellness and career success. But here's the thing: these vital connections no longer happen naturally in our digital, social media-saturated society. We need to be intentional about building them.
I write frequently about how connecting with others, especially vital work-related contacts, is crucial for people facing reentry challenges. But let me be clear—the power of support networks extends far beyond job searching and career strategies. The Harvard Study of Adult Development (running for over 80 years now) is fascinating: strong relationships are the best predictors of happiness and longevity, period.
This isn't surprising when you think about it. Our ancestors knew this instinctively—being part of a tribe wasn't just nice to have; it was essential for survival. Yet here we are, becoming more isolated each year despite (or perhaps because of) our constant digital connections. The results? We can see them all around us in the growing number of alienated and disaffected people in our communities.
Let me break down what a comprehensive modern support network looks like. I've identified four key components, each serving distinct but interconnected purposes:
Your Inner Circle: The Emotional Foundation
Close family members who've got your back
Intimate friends who truly get you
Long-term romantic partners who share your journey
Recovery peers who understand your specific challenges
Purpose: These are your go-to people for emotional support, unconditional acceptance, and life stability. You can call them at 2 AM when things get rough.
Your Professional Network: The Career Catalyst
Mentors who've walked your path
Colleagues who share your professional journey
Industry contacts who open doors
Employment counselors and career guides
Purpose: This network isn't just about finding jobs – it's about professional growth, opportunities, and career guidance. For those with background challenges, these connections (I call them People Links) are an absolute must!
Your Community Connections: The Social Anchor
Neighbors who create local belonging
Religious/spiritual community members
Interest groups and club members
Local organizations and support groups
Purpose: These connections ground you in your community, provide practical support, and create opportunities for shared experiences. They're crucial for building a sense of belonging.
Your Expert Support: The Professional Guidance System
Healthcare providers who maintain your physical well-being
Financial advisors who guide your economic decisions
Mental health professionals who support your psychological health
Legal advisors and case managers who help navigate complex systems
Purpose: These specialized relationships provide expert guidance when you need it most. They're your professional support system for life's complex challenges.
Investing time and energy in creating a solid support network is one of the most important things you can do for your long-term well-being, success, and resilience. But it is crucial to understand that it is not just about having people around. It's about creating and nurturing meaningful connections that can provide different types of support during various life circumstances.
Building these networks early creates a foundation for young adults' journey ahead. However, not everyone gets this opportunity early in life. For those reentering, getting back on track means literally building or rebuilding their support network from the ground up. This needs to be done carefully, step by step, starting with the fundamental realization that this isn't optional; it's essential.
In our digital age, building these connections requires a balanced approach. While technology gives us incredible tools for initial connections and ongoing communication, the most beneficial relationships typically need face-to-face interaction to develop fully. This creates a unique challenge: How do we use digital platforms as launching points for deeper connections rather than letting them become shallow substitutes for genuine relationships? For those in reentry situations, this process requires extra patience—and, another critical point here—a strategy that deemphasizes digital connection (despite all the apps and technical bells and whistles at our fingertips) to one that places actual people and face-to-face interactions first.
As mentioned above, taking it step-by-step (pace) is vital to success (think turtle vs. hare). I often see reentering people trying to move too quickly to make up for lost time or give back before they're ready. This is where those early supporting tribe members—reentry helpers and counselors—become crucial. They help develop realistic plans and objectives, ensuring the journey starts correctly.
But remember this: your network won't just appear at your door. You'll have to show up first with intention and purpose. But when you do, you're setting the stage for receiving and giving support. The key is building these connections thoughtfully over time. Sure, it might take longer than you'd like, but networks built this way are the most beneficial and lasting.
Picture your support network as a garden. It needs regular attention, careful nurturing, and patience to grow. Some relationships will bloom quickly, others will take time to develop, and that's okay. What matters is that you're intentionally creating and maintaining these connections, understanding that they're essential for your success and well-being in our ever-complex modern world.
Onward to building strong tribes!
One Step At A Time
I am reading Gary Keller’s book The One Thing. As you might guess, it emphasizes how focusing on one thing delivers benefits, which I agree with wholeheartedly. But it’s not ONLY one thing; it’s one thing at a time. Then, when that one thing is complete, move to the next. He uses a domino analogy where one falls over and hits another, then another and another, and the sequence continues until they’ve all fallen.
However, Gary points out that a domino can take down one that’s 50% larger, so the size of each domino can grow exponentially as the sequence continues. This means if the dominos (especially the first one) are set up correctly (planning and preparation), tipping the first (proactive doing) ignites a sequence of continual momentum of increasing force.
This is also a fitting analogy for a job-based reentry approach. A goal is established, steps are defined, and the action sequence is plotted. The process unfolds step by step. Attention and emphasis stay on the step at hand with little distraction from the end goal. The working objective is to move to the next step, nothing more. Each person will have their own goal and unique pathway forward, but the process and sequence of moving from one step to the next is a joint, shared, universal undertaking.
This is how a successful employment reentry process/program works: it is individually customized to be relatable yet methodical and process-oriented to be scalable. Securing and retaining employment is the way forward for most reentering, and such a process produces sustainable and recidivism-reducing results.
But there’s more to this value proposition beyond the Job Search Objective (getting and keeping a job). There’s a critical intangible benefit, too: stability. The mix and complexity of moving puzzle parts confronting the reentering person can be overwhelming, leading to inaction (freeze-up) and, conversely, to panic (and impulsive actions). Neither is helpful; both lead to failure and contribute to intractable recidivism statistics.
The process (one domino at a time) is a stabilizing lifeline. There’s an outline and a roadmap to follow. The process steps are addressed one by one in a plug-and-play fashion. Forward movement produces small yet meaningful “wins” as each person advances from one step to the next. The process framework is strategic, and tactics are designed to overcome stage-specific barriers within each step. The whole approach is built around doing, with little or no stewing. It is action-based and sequential.
Doing and acting help calm the tornado of concerns and worries that are unavoidably present when someone’s life comes back together. Furthermore, getting things done folds back unto itself, building momentum and small wins engender confidence and organically induce engagement. So, in effect, there are two goals for this reentry process: first, to secure and retain employment, and second, to provide stability. The process becomes a handhold, something to grab onto as the steps are worked.
Here’s my goal:
That every reentering person becomes an independent, self-sufficient citizen in good standing.
Employment must be secured and retained to accomplish this for the majority. Reentry efforts emphasizing other aspects of reentry have their place but don’t have the firepower to move the recidivism needle.
The way forward, one that really makes a difference, must involve the heavy lifting and hard work inherent in job-based programs. And to be clear, (just) chaulking up “placements” doesn’t / hasn’t cut it. No. What works involves planning, objective setting, and implementation of strategy and tactics: the right job, the right entry point, and the right process. Get in, stay in, and advance. Period.
If I’m wrong, please set me straight.
First Job Exit Gifts
In my last post, I reviewed the mechanics of the first reentry job. Here, I’ll focus on the crucial takeaways, the things each background-challenged person receives when they successfully complete their first gig. These benefits are available to anyone, especially the other two groups I mentioned frequently: those just beginning their work journey and those transiting to an entirely new career. However, the stakes are higher for challenged job seekers because starting (again) from scratch is so tricky and fraught with all sorts of hurdles directly tied to recidivism.
The Exit Gifts
To be clear, these are earned parting gifts gained through planning, effort, and actualization. Those receiving see themselves as Free Agent pilots of their own vessels, Sellers of Service delivering exceptional work, and effective operators in the Marketplace. These gifts are therefore expected because obtaining them is part of a process that each person has put in motion, leading directly to the achievement of their longer-term work goal.
A sense of achievement, personal satisfaction, and self-worth attained through doing.
Positive Work History
The paragraph that can (now) be added to a resume and listed on an application.
People Connections
Work-related contacts that will provide references and otherwise assist the reentering person in moving to their next employment role.
These are what reentering people lack as they begin their work journey and what they will need to continue. They couldn't be more crucial to success. A positive first-job experience will provide many more benefits, but these are the nuts-n-bolts requirements for continued momentum and forward progress. Getting them comes via a plan, a well-thought-out Job Search Objective, and practical implementation.
Winging it and shotgunning applications won’t cut it, nor will the tendency (manifested by many reentering) to avoid personal contact. Some people make it on their own, but most don’t. Reentering people need others as helpers in getting a foot in the door and supporters and advocates from inside once they’ve gained an initial first-job foothold.
Success rarely “just shows up” or happens by accident. It comes from doing things right at every step of a deliberate process. It’s hard work and requires commitment, determination, and lots of support. I wish it were easier, that fairy dust could be sprinkled around, and all would work out, but that’s magical thinking.
Diligence and effort lead to good places. Follow the game plan, and good things can and will happen.
The First Reentry Job
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, between 600,000 and 700,000 people are released from incarceration every year in the US. For most of those released, securing employment is the most viable path to progress and success. Some will find other pathways forward, such as education or entrepreneurship; however, finding and retaining a job is the most viable success option for most.
Unlike others entering the job market from scratch (first-time job seekers or those in complete career transition), reentering the workforce from incarceration with background baggage is a much steeper hill to climb. The challenges associated with a criminal record are evident and apparent to anyone (willing to look). But there’s way more to the story; time and resources are almost always limited, job-search knowledge and support may be missing, and all manner of old behavior patterns await an opportunity to resurface. Furthermore, pressure to “get it right this time” can be overwhelming, both from within the reentering person and externally from family, friends, and significant others hoping (if not desperate) to see, at last, success.
So, to say the stakes are high is a significant understatement. The impulse to “take any job” is natural and understandable, yet it is often the worst move, leading to failure immediately and more slowly over time. Grabbing anything and plunging in without planning are some of the foundation stones of recidivism. In a nutshell, reentry success is teed up by the First Job. Period. It is that simple and that crucial.
Of course, there are always outliers: those succeeding due to an entrepreneurial spirit, those exposed to and profoundly touched by education, or those with a dogged sense of self-determination that pushes them forward despite the odds and stats. These are the folks highlighted in reentry programs, as they should be. Their success is celebrated based on their merits and the example they set for others. And yet, they may be the first to tell you that too many others don’t make it. That entrepreneurship and education didn’t resonate with them, or their level of determination wasn’t enough—yet—they could have made it if they’d secured an employment foothold.
In this post and my approach in general, I focus on employment, the pathway that can impact the most significant number of reentering people. With 50-60% remaining unemployed after their first year from release and the 60+ % re-incarcerated after three years, the rubber meets the road with employment—and it all begins with the First Job post-release.
Here are some of the critical factors needing attention if success is to come from this all-important First Job:
Preparation & Work Readiness
I am referring to the basics here, such as lodging, food, clothes, transportation, access to a phone, and the Internet. What’s available, what’s not, and what’s the assessment? Also, has any mind-work been done on transitioning from being away and not working to being back and in contact with people in entirely different circumstances?
Personal Job One
Often, a single major issue has contributed to past troubles and needs to be addressed before there’s any hope of employment success. I call this someone’s Personal Job One. If the issue involves alcohol abuse, the solution is sobriety. For drugs, it means being and staying clean. And for mental health problems, remaining in therapy, and following the prescribed medication game plan. The point is simple: confronting these foundational issues isn’t optional. They are either dealt with and managed, or there will be no re-entry! Failure will very possibly follow. This is the granddaddy of recidivism foundation stones. More
The Plan
There has to be a plan. It doesn’t need to be detailed and complex, but it could be. The plan should be based on an eventual goal, something to work toward. As the saying goes, “If you don’t know where you’re going, how do you know when you get there?” Planning and goal setting can be intimidating, and getting lost in the weeds is easy, so it’s best to keep things realistic, straightforward, and as simple as possible. Every reentering person needs a plan and will benefit from simply tackling one; whether it’s simple or detailed is to be determined, but there needs to be one to increase the odds of success. More
Job Search Objective
Not having a Job Search Objective is another recidivism foundation stone, as is not having a Plan or Goal. Developing an Objective starts with the realization that, for background-challenged persons, digits (the internet, smartphone, and all-things-digital world) are not on the home team. Digitization makes it easy to spot those reentering. Without a Job Search Objective and strategy emphasizing personal contact and connection tactics, elimination from a distance is likely. More and More
Getting & Retaining the First Job
The Search Objective is an essential part of an entire process designed to enable the challenged job seeker to secure an initial (targeted) position that aligns with their overall Plan and eventual Goal. Getting “in” is the first step, followed by adjusting to the new role and learning the “ropes” related to the job duties, company culture, and all the other dynamics associated with working day-to-day. Success in this First Job requires that it be retained to attain two things: positive work history and work-related contacts, two things most reentering folks do not have when they put together their Search Objective. Both work history and contact are essential to leveraging this First Job into the next. More
Advancing from the First Job
The First job is just that, the first one. It will not be a forever job and is best viewed as a stepping stone to the next. Failure to see it this way leads to settling in and getting comfy, two more recidivism foundation stones. Unlike first-time job seekers or those starting again via career transition, most reentering can’t afford to start again from scratch if the First Job doesn't pan out. This is especially true if they’ve failed to make (any) leverageable contacts while at the First Job. Moreover, not getting it right the first time can result in far more than losing the job itself; it can trigger any number of bad outcomes. Therefore, securing, retaining, and doing well at this First Job should be considered ground zero, where it all begins and from which all future success originates. More
Progressing Toward Goal
The Goal could be five years out and involve three or four jobs. From the First Job onward, work history and contacts will accumulate over this period, becoming the platform of success in the future. To achieve the Goal and for good things to happen along the way, the frontend-loaded process steps (Preparation, Person Job One, Planning, Job Search Objective, First Job retention, contact building, and accumulation of positive work history) must happen before and during the First Job. More
As a practical matter, reentering people are launched via their First Job, and engagement by those who have helped often ends. Most will head forward on their own. With new folks released continually and resources for longitudinal work seldom available, keeping in touch rarely happens; therefore, doing things right up front is essential.
For most, reentry success (in work and life) will come from securing, retaining, and progressing—through employment. To be most effective, the reentry approach must be individualized, process-based, reproducible, and eventually scalable to assist the majority if there’s any real hope of taking a meaningful bite out of recidivism.
Furthermore, such an approach must accept the barriers and limitations of the digitized hiring process. Job selection, searching, and introduction strategies and tactics centered around developing and building direct personal contacts form the pathway to success. Whenever possible, they must be used to mitigate and transcend the digit.
Doing it right to achieve goals is not difficult, but it does take guidance, effort, perseverance, and trust in the Process!
High-touch Future Jobs
With the help of my friend Claude, Anthopic’s generative AI assistant, I explored what future jobs might look like. Due to the uncertainty related to tech in general and AI specifically, I am most interested in US jobs likely to have a high degree of stability, which is to say, jobs that are:
Not easily outsourced to another country
Minimally susceptible to automation
Enhanced but not replaced by AI
In a nutshell, these types of roles fall under the heading “high-touch,” jobs that take place in person (think caregiving), on-site (think smart factory), or locally off-site (think construction).
Of course, these jobs exist now, but many, if not most, of them in the future will include a tech component that is not required en masse now. In other words, the work will be done face-to-face, on-site -or- off-site, directly hands-on, but with an array of tech data and communication tools yet to be fully developed and employed.
Here’s a list of potential titles in the skilled trades area to give you an idea:
Advanced Manufacturing Technician (working with AI-driven robotics and 3D printing systems)
Smart Building Systems Integrator (combining traditional construction with IoT and energy management tech)
Augmented Reality-Assisted Electrician (using AR for complex wiring and troubleshooting)
Autonomous Vehicle Maintenance Specialist (servicing self-driving cars and their complex sensor systems)
Drone-Assisted Construction Worker (operating drones for surveying, inspection, and material delivery)
Cybersecurity-Enhanced HVAC Technician (installing and maintaining smart, connected climate control systems)
Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) Specialist (creating custom parts and products using advanced 3D printing tech)
Renewable Energy Systems Expert (installing and maintaining solar, wind, and other clean energy technologies)
Robotic Welding Programmer and Operator (managing advanced automated welding systems)
Digital Plumbing Systems Technician (working with smart water management and leak detection technologies)
I asked Claude to create a job description for a caregiver 10-25 years out. I’ve highlighted some tech-centric parts, which are sure to come in one form or another. The tech requirements would likely be narrower in scope in the actual job description. However, the point here is to emphasize what’s ahead, particularly concerning the inevitable integration of technology.
Advanced Care Coordinator
About the Role:
We seek a compassionate, tech-savvy Advanced Care Coordinator to join our innovative healthcare team. This high-touch position combines traditional caregiving skills with cutting-edge technology to provide exceptional patient care and support.
Key Responsibilities:
Provide personalized care and support to patients, leveraging both interpersonal skills and advanced technologies
Utilize AR/VR systems for patient education and therapy sessions
Monitor and interpret data from IoT devices for real-time patient health tracking
Collaborate with AI-powered diagnostic tools to assist in care planning
Coordinate with robotic assistants for patient mobility and routine tasks
Conduct virtual consultations and manage hybrid care environments
Ensure data privacy and maintain ethical standards in technology use
Required Skills and Qualifications:
Degree in Nursing, Healthcare Management, or related field
Strong empathy and communication skills
Proficiency in healthcare-specific software and data analysis tools
Experience with AR/VR applications in healthcare settings
Understanding of AI and machine learning in medical contexts
Familiarity with IoT devices and remote patient monitoring systems
Ability to work collaboratively in human-machine teams
Commitment to continuous learning and adaptation to new technologies
Preferred Qualifications:
Certification in Healthcare Informatics or related tech-health field
Experience in telemedicine or remote care coordination
Knowledge of predictive analytics for patient care
Familiarity with ethical considerations in AI-assisted healthcare
We Offer:
Ongoing training in emerging healthcare technologies
Opportunity to shape the future of patient care
Collaborative, technology-enhanced work environment
Competitive salary and benefits package
Join us in revolutionizing patient care through the perfect blend of human touch and technological innovation!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
For those under 35 at the beginning of their work journey and those reentering or transitioning to a new career, the question is:
Will a specific job or job category exist in 10-25 years?
If it’s high-touch, it likely will—but not in its current form. The best and most in-demand high-touch jobs will have a (specialized) tech component.
Most future high-touch/technician positions will undoubtedly have associated low/no-tech roles. But rewards and advancement will favor those who can do the work (in-person/on-site/off-site) AND understand and manage the technical aspects headed our way big time (think firehose!).
Your Job Search Plan
A plan and an objective are essential to success when searching for a new job. Yet, they are often omitted, especially by first-time and reentering seekers, and sometimes, by those transitioning to a new career. That’s why I place so much emphasis on having a Job Search Objective (JSO).
A job seeker with a JSO is similar to a startup with a business hypothesis, where a product or service (like the job for the seeker) is imagined and brought into existence. For a startup, a hypothesis might be, “People lose weight by walking. If we build an easy-to-use app that helps people walk more, they will lose weight, rave about our app, which will sell more apps, and grow our business.” For the job seeker, it might be, “If I can secure this specific job, I can gain experience and develop contacts that will get me one job closer to achieving my goal.”
Admittedly, this is relatively simple—but stick with me.
Just Starting (first job)
Developing a hypothesis is hard for this group because they are just beginning and have not yet gained the experience to create one. What’s essential for this group, however, is to learn by working with others in real-time what they:
Like to do.
Are good at doing.
What comes easily to them (compared to their peers and co-workers).
Learning this on the job, early in their working lives, is crucial to later success. (Think back to your first or second job. Are there any takeaways you remember or still use?) Their JSO hypothesis can be aspirational and straightforward: “If I take this job and do this work, I think I will like it.” This hypothesis will be quickly affirmed or shot down. But it’s all good, as critical data will be generated, especially about what they like to do and are good at.
Transitioning to a New Career (work redos)
The people in this category should know what they like, are good at, and what comes easily based on work done in other fields; thus, their JSO hypothesis can be more refined. “I can manage the requirements of this position because of my previous experience. I will enjoy and be good at this work because it aligns with what (I have learned) I like to do. I will gain 18 to 24 months of experience and then move deeper into the field with my second role.” This group tests their hypotheses from their first day on the job, which may lead to educated pivots, small and large, as they progress on their journey.
Reentering (the workforce with background snags)
The folks in this group need well-defined and specific JSO hypotheses. Compared to the two above, there will be less testing and more immediate implementation. What someone likes and is good at is essential, but there may be limitations to entry due to background issues. Therefore, the mission is to secure a role that connects and aligns with a longer-term goal thoughtfully yet quickly. A hypothesis might be, “If I can secure this entry-level role and retain it, I will gain experience (work history) and connections (references), which will allow me to move forward to my next position, leading to my longer-term goal.”
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So why does the Reentry group need a tighter JSO hypothesis than the others? In short, resources and time may be in short supply, making the stakes higher for background-challenged job seekers. Furthermore, job misfires must be avoided at all costs because starting from scratch (again) is extremely difficult as these folks have zero work-world contacts to leverage. Moreover, emotional investment (their own and of those close) will be high, leading to magnified expectations—that “things are finally, thank God, starting to work out.” Hmm.
Considering the JSO hypothesis as an “if this, then this” proposition is helpful for all three groups. They are all different, as are the nuances of their searches, but by simply having and using a JSO, they get a built-in point of comparison, their “best guess” idea, the hypothesis.
Did things pan out as planned?
Was the hypothesis proven?
If yes, great; build on it. If not, analyze why and where things veered, regrouping accordingly.
The whole point is to inject thoughtfulness into the process—better yet, a thoughtful strategy designed to prevent diving in and grabbing something, anything, because “something/anything” is just what you’ll get.
One of the challenges for first-time and reentering job seekers is a lack of work-related contacts and connections. Getting an initial foot in the door, starting cold, is complex, resulting in a temptation to “take anything.” For younger workers just starting, this can work. They will gain work experience and, if they’ve done an excellent job, earn a recommendation that can move them forward.
For career-transitioning people and those with background challenges, getting “anything” can delay their progress or, worse, set them back. People in this group need a defined Job Search Objective so that the experience they receive and the work connections they make align with their longer-term goal.
I write frequently about the importance of a Job Search Objective, but it may be helpful here to expand on what I mean by connections and contacts. In this instance, I’m referring to people who can assist another person in moving forward in their work or career. Through their current positions or associations with others, these people can make recommendations, referrals, and introductions beneficial to someone wanting to move forward.
Generally, these people come in three forms:
Friends, family, and personal associates.
Networking relationships developed by the job seeker outside of work.
Work relationships, such as co-workers, supervisors, and managers.
Group 1 – Friends, family, and personal connections
Connections of this type can be beneficial if they align with an overall goal, but they have a finite life. They are most useful at the beginning of the work journey, and their usable life correlates directly to the work quality done by the person receiving the hook-up. Do good work, and they last; do lousy work, and they’ll fade away. For new and transitioning workers, this is a resource. However, sad but true, many reentering job seekers have burned all sorts of bridges and have no active contacts outside the helper world; thus, this category may be marginally helpful at best.
Group 2 – Networking contacts
These connections usually come during or after someone’s first or second job or later. Furthermore, some people love going out and networking and are good at it, while (many) others hate it. So, as a practical matter, this form of connection isn’t initially in the cards for new, reentering, or transitioning job seekers.
Group 3 – Work contacts
This is ground zero for most people, regardless of their job-search status. Developing (professional) work connections at a first job is essential to moving forward with a warm send-off rather than another cold-from-scratch start.
But here’s the catch:
The need and the benefit of building these connections is frequently unrecognized. Some people get it intuitively, but many don’t.
So let me be clear:
At a minimum, the goal of reentering (or starting out/over) is to progress to independent self-sufficiency. These days, this requires movement from one job to the next, working toward an eventual work/career goal. Assuming things go well during the first job, there will at least be some positive work history to include on the resume, which is helpful. But that’s not enough.
Here’s a better way to do this: I would say the following to the job seeker.
First, you should inform select people (lead, supervisor, manager preferred) about your overall work/career goal early in your tenure at the new job. First, do good work and show you are an engaged and solid employee. Then, two or three months after you start, mention what you are out to accomplish in general terms. Keep it casual, using “broad strokes,” but get it out there.
After six or eight months, you should start plotting your next move, which may take another six or eight months to materialize. When the time comes to begin applying, ask for recommendations from the people you shared with—your request will not surprise them; instead, they may be expecting it (while silently rooting for you). What’s more, if you’ve mentioned that you’ve begun searching (discretely and WHILE CONTINUING to do good work), you may find people willing to help beyond just giving you a recommendation.
Developing key contacts (I call them People Links in my book) doesn’t come naturally to some and, therefore, must be approached as a specific, deliberate action. Talking intentionally about your plans doesn't mean chatting with your work besties. And, BTW, I recommend few, if any, work besties at your first job. Instead, do this tactically as an add-on to your Job Search Objective.
Anyone moving to their second job will appreciate not having to start again (cold) from scratch. For those challenged, it can go well beyond appreciation and be the difference between success and failure because restarting the entire wheel when carrying a bag of past issues can be a bridge too far…to say the least.
Didn’t Learn It In School
Here are three things most of us don’t learn in school:
How to find a job.
How to work at a job.
How to change careers.
Given that Gen Z and late-Millenial workers are projected to have between 16-18 jobs and 5-6 careers during their working lives, learning about finding, working at, and switching from a job seems like a good idea.
These are projections, so who’s to say how it will turn out? That said, disruption from AI is in the air—not for all job categories, but some professional and tech classifications are in the crosshairs. What’s more, work tenures across the board have shrunk compared to back in the day when five years with one employer seemed short. Today's question is, “What kept you there so long?”
Based on what I see on the recruiting side, how can a young worker NOT have these many jobs when one and a half to three years with an employer seems the norm?
Are they/we prepared for this? We are about to find out.
For those reentering the workforce after significant setbacks, success comes from having the right mindset, planning, and focusing on a specific objective, a Job Search Objective. The goal is to secure a job that closely aligns with this objective. Then, strategically moving to a few more jobs (all connected to the first position) incrementally moving the person toward an eventual work/career goal.
These are planned moves facilitated through work relationships developed at each turn. This approach works for people with significant background snags and can work even better for those unhindered by such baggage, for example, those just starting or those transitioning to a new career.
But 16-18 jobs and 5-6 careers? That’s a lot. Perhaps the goal for young workers should be to avoid this by planning for 8 or 9 jobs in 2 or 3 careers (half what’s projected). The value of considering how many jobs/careers someone will have comes from just that, considering it.
Indeed, workplace change and disruption are inevitable, meaning flexibility and acceptance will be required. However, our young friend could benefit from seeing him/herself as a startup, beginning with a hypothesis (best-educated guess) of how their work and career trajectory COULD go. They have an entry point (their Objective) and a plan relating to what they will learn and earn, along with the key contacts they will deliberately make (I call these People Links).
Rare is the startup where everything turns out according to plan. The same goes for our young worker friend: adjustments and pivots must be made along the way. Nevertheless, just like in a startup, there’s a hypothesis and an execution plan, and there will be things that can be measured. Plotting things out is a very proactive move and can have great value because it provides a baseline (even if one’s projected) against which actual results can be measured.
Contrast this to the many job seekers who react and inevitably drift in the currents of the job market.
Achieving a goal, not to mention arriving at a specific location, is pretty difficult when you drift.
The Door’s Wide Open
I wrote about the availability of entry-level opportunities in the job market a few months back. I’m interested in this subject, especially considering the continual push of all things digital on the job market and, most recently, AI and what that will mean.
There’s no shortage of material on how different generations feel about work, including Gen Z and later-stage Millennials’ irritation with my generation’s continual grumbling about work ethic. So, I won’t go there. However, I regularly ask retail managers how things are going in the entry-level worker department, and the same concerns keep coming around. Here’s an article link that nicely sums up the attributes they would like to see in new employees but frequently don’t. I’ll expand on this below. Here's a similar article for those starting on a professional track.
Success at the entry-level can be viewed as a partnership: the young worker-to-be needs to show up with a willing attitude, and the employer needs to provide training and guidance. However, antidotal examples exist in every direction of first-time workers being wholly unprepared on the one hand and employers unable or unwilling to train and guide on the other (or maybe worse, as I refer to it, “the untrained training the untrained”).
The first link lists ten qualities first-time workers should focus on to position themselves to get their first job, which will start their journey of gaining the experience and skills they will need to advance (see the list for more information on each attribute).
Well-groomed / professionally dressed
Positive, “can-do” attitude
Courteous and well-mannered
Willing to learn
Good oral and written communication
There’s an irony here. Entry-level opportunities abound, yet many who need a foot in the door can’t capitalize on them because they lack things they have never had a chance to learn. Moreover, many businesses are fighting turnover by line staff and managers and aren’t in a position to properly onboard new employees.
All this aside, opportunities exist for those willing to work with intention and diligence. I remember an article I read a few months back about a young manager of a Raising Cane’s restaurant in California. She had worked her way up to store manager. She was local and loved her city and her company role. She worked hard, put in long hours, and was rewarded with income into the six figures when her base, OT, and bonuses were summed. She felt blessed as she loved the work and the people she managed.
Who knows if our young manager had a Raising Cane’s advancement plan when she started? Likely not. She may have devised one quickly once she was through the door and firmly “in.” In any case, she likely understood that just getting through the door wasn’t enough. Success would come to her from having a plan and having or acquiring the tools required to keep her there and move her forward.
Back to the list above. I’ll bet our young Raising Cane’s manager had many of these attributes when she started and quickly learned those she didn’t. Where does she go from here? Regional manager? Area director? And from there? VP of operations with her current employer or another?
It all started for her with an entry-level position, and she’s made the most of it.